In the context of the development of Income Generating Activities (AGR) and labor intensive work (HIMO), a supervision mission led by the PTF (International Development Association IDA, the French agency of Development AFD, the German Agency for International Cooperation GIZ) was carried out on Thursday, February 28, 2019 in the rural district of Sanando (Barouéli Circle)
The objective of the mission was to make an organizational diagnosis to understand the monitoring and recording of the progress of the programs by the field teams. This allows, by questioning how to mobilize the actors around a shared vision, by hearing and analyzing the data collected, to be able to grasp the progressive changes that the activities provoke, what worked or not, of identify the past and decide on new strategies for achieving the desired results.
After a courtesy visit to the village chief of Dioforongo for greetings of use, the delegation met with the various members of the local coordinating committees for exchange meetings; Visited staff of implementing partners; make home visits to AGR beneficiary households; meet on the sites planned for the labor-based works; make a restitution meeting with all the actors.
Source: Jigisemejiri