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In Actuality

Launch of distributions of PNPs in the municipality of Kofeba

On Friday, October 27, 2017, the Kofeba Rural Municipality (Kita Circle) officially launched the Preventive Nutrition Packages (PNP) sub-component; under the chairmanship of the Minister of Health and Public Hygiene Pr Samba Ousmane SOW.

As a reminder, the PNP component is a pilot and complementary intervention to nutrition-focused MA sessions. It aims to distribute regular allocations of preventive nutritional package and thus contribute to the prevention of malnutrition of children, pregnant women and breastfeeding women.

Twenty (20) communes out of 106 have been identified to receive this pilot operation with the technical support of CSRéf, CSCOMs and SLDSES. In each of the communes concerned by this intervention, the partner NGOs carried out a global census of the target beneficiary groups (children aged 06-59 months, pregnant women, breastfeeding women).

Preliminary results estimate about 100,000 beneficiaries of the next distributions of PNP. In the selected villages, information campaigns followed by cooking demonstration sessions will first inform beneficiaries that PNPs will be distributed to all children aged from 6 to 59 months, pregnant women and breastfeeding women.

In May 2017, the UTGFS concluded with WFP the acquisition for one year of 2067 tons of enriched flour including 1267 tons of Super-Cereal plus plus (CSB ++) for children from 06-59 months and 800 tons of Super-Cereal Cereal Plus (CSB +) for pregnant and lactating women.

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