• Bamako, Hamdallaye ACI 2000 Rue 329 Porte 120
  • +223 20 22 16 15 / +223 20 22 16 17
  • contact@jigisemejiri.org

All posts by dtwise

Launch of the PNP distributions in the municipality of Kofeba

Capitalization and programming of program activities for the year 2018

From 02 to 03 November 2017, was held in the conference room of the Hotel Cinquantenaire in Sikasso, the annual workshop of capitalsation and programming activities of 2018 of the program of social safety nets “Jigisemejiri” under the presidency of Mr. Abdoulaye DIABATE Technical Advisor of the MSAH. The Jigisemejiri Social Nets program has started

Launch of distributions of PNPs in the municipality of Kofeba

On Friday, October 27, 2017, the Kofeba Rural Municipality (Kita Circle) officially launched the Preventive Nutrition Packages (PNP) sub-component; under the chairmanship of the Minister of Health and Public Hygiene Pr Samba Ousmane SOW. As a reminder, the PNP component is a pilot and complementary intervention to nutrition-focused MA sessions. It aims to distribute regular

9th session of the National Steering Committee of the program

Wednesday, November 29, 2017, was held in the conference room of Maeva Palace, the 9th Session of the national steering committee of the program “Jigisemejiri” under the presidence of Mrs. SIDIBE Zamilatou CISSE General Secretary of the Ministry of Economy and Trade Finance. On today’s agenda : presentation of the program activity report as of

Launch of the first payments of the Government Program of Social Nets (PGFS) in the rural district of Diafounou Diongaga (circle of Yélimané)

On November 23, 2017, took place in the commune of Diongaga, the ceremony of launch of the 1st payments of the PGFS, under the presidency of the Prefect of the circle of Yélimané. This launch was intended to inform the population and the national, regional and local authorities of the effective start of the activities