The “Jigisèmèjiri” social safety nets program yesterday held the 12th session of its National Steering Committee at the Sheraton Hotel in Bamako. It was in the presence of the coordinator of the program, Mahmoud A. Sako. The purpose of the session was to take stock of the program since it began in August 2013. In fact, by that time, it had received $ 70 million in grant funding from the World Bank, more than $ 35 billion. of Fcfa. Following a mid-term evaluation in 2016, the program benefited from other resources, including a US $ 10 million fund from the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development, mobilized through the World Bank for implementation. social safety net programs in 2017-2019. The second funding relates to allocations from the state budget for the implementation of the Government’s Social Safety Net Project. The program in question concerns the regions of Kayes, Koulikoro, Sikasso, Segou, Mopti and the district of Bamako. It intervenes in the fields of agriculture, microfinance and health.
This 12th session considered the review and approval of the activity report as at 31 December 2018, the amendments to the MA, AGIR and HIMO (High Intensity Labor Force) Operations Manual, and the amendments of the administrative, financial and accounting procedures manual and the audit report … The Chair of the Steering Committee, Ms. Barry Aoua Sylla, indicated that the year 2018 was marked by the end of cash several localities. Thus, the number of beneficiaries of these transfers decreased from 34,224 households at the beginning of the year to 19,837 households in the fourth quarter. “At the same time, accompanying measures activities have come to an end in the Kayes, Sikasso, Koulikoro and Bamako regions,” she added.
In addition, the program carried out, during the period under review, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th preventive nutritional package distributions. In total, 1,627 tons of flours were distributed to children and pregnant and lactating women in 20 pilot communes of the 5 first regions of Mali.
“Overall, on forecasts estimated at 13.331 billion Fcfa, the achievements were 9.512 billion Fcfa at 31 December 2018, a rate of execution of PTBA-2018 of 61.1%”, said the Chairman of the Steering Committee, adding that this rate is considered satisfactory, even though it is below the 2017 implementation rate of 77.05%. This decline in performance, she explained, is mainly related to the difficulties in mobilizing state resources in 2018 and the delays in setting up HLI sites. In 2018, at the request of the government, the World Bank granted Mali an extension of US $ 54.4 million to extend the Jigisemejeiri program to other localities and continue its activities until 2022.
In addition, Ms. Barry Aoua Sylla noted that there are still many challenges ahead. “But in view of the interest generated by the program in the different localities of the country, we are no longer entitled to extinguish the torch of hope with poor and vulnerable households in Mali,” she said. On behalf of the Minister of the Economy and Finance, she testified of the importance that the government attaches to the implementation of this program, before thanking the various technical and financial partners that accompany it, mainly the Bank. World.
Mohamed Z. DIAWARA
Source : L’ESSOR Newspaper
On Monday, 04 March 2019 was held in the meeting room of the program of social nets “Jigisemejiri”, The signing ceremony of the protocol of collaboration on the pilot project called “CASH +” between the United Nations Organization for the Food and Agriculture (FAO) represented by Mr. Amadou Allahoury DIALLO FAO Country Resident and the “Jigisemejiri” Program represented by Mr. Mahmoud Ali SAKO Program Coordinator
In the context of the development of Income Generating Activities (AGR) and labor intensive work (HIMO), a supervision mission led by the PTF (International Development Association IDA, the French agency of Development AFD, the German Agency for International Cooperation GIZ) was carried out on Thursday, February 28, 2019 in the rural district of Sanando (Barouéli Circle)
The objective of the mission was to make an organizational diagnosis to understand the monitoring and recording of the progress of the programs by the field teams. This allows, by questioning how to mobilize the actors around a shared vision, by hearing and analyzing the data collected, to be able to grasp the progressive changes that the activities provoke, what worked or not, of identify the past and decide on new strategies for achieving the desired results.
After a courtesy visit to the village chief of Dioforongo for greetings of use, the delegation met with the various members of the local coordinating committees for exchange meetings; Visited staff of implementing partners; make home visits to AGR beneficiary households; meet on the sites planned for the labor-based works; make a restitution meeting with all the actors.
Source: Jigisemejiri
From 17 to 19 October 2018, in the conference room of the Hotel du Cinquantenaire in Sikasso, the capitalization and activity planning workshop of the “Jigisemejiri” program was held under the chairmanship of the representative of the governor of the region.
The objective of this meeting was to bring together all the stakeholders to discuss the major learnings of the implementation of activities in 2018 and to define the plans required for 2019.
More specifically it was during this workshop of:
– To evaluate the state of execution of the 2018 program,
– To identify the major challenges, capitalize on the implementation experiences of the program components (TM, MA, PNP, AGR, HIMO) in order to identify major learning in this area,
– To prepare the activities to be programmed in 2018 (TM, MA, PNP, AGR and HIMO) as well as the development of the RSU
The work was carried out by series of presentations in plenary by the specialists of the UTGFS (Technical Unit of Management of the Social Nets) and the Regional Directors; This is followed by group work on the following themes:
Theme 1: Best Practices for TM in Peace Zone and Insecure Zone: Main Constraints
Theme 2: Best Themes for Accompanying Measures, including PNP Best Practices for Facilitation and Surveys: Main Constraints
Theme 3: Best practices for choosing the type of AGR and HLI activities, technical and environmental assessment processes; Main constraints of implementation
Theme 4: Best Practices for CCR and CCL Operation, main constraints of the PS Data Collection System for the operationalization of the RSU.
This Capitalization meeting was closed by the organization of a football match by the UTGFS between the regional and national representatives in the “Babemba Traoré” stadium of Sikasso
Source: Jigisemejiri
From 02 to 03 November 2017, was held in the conference room of the Hotel Cinquantenaire in Sikasso, the annual workshop of capitalsation and programming activities of 2018 of the program of social safety nets “Jigisemejiri” under the presidency of Mr. Abdoulaye DIABATE Technical Advisor of the MSAH.
The Jigisemejiri Social Nets program has started since the last quarter of 2013 through outreach, targeting and registration of program beneficiaries. In 2014, the first cash transfers started with the pilot communes of Bamako and Sikasso, and the program gradually spread to other regions. In 2017, the program is expected to complete TM payments in several of the intervention areas.
As part of the accompanying measures, activities started globally in 2015 for the regions of Sikasso, Koulikoro, Kayes and the District of Bamako. On the other hand for the regions of Ségou and Mopti the operations began rather in 2016.
On the basis of thematic planning, the NGOs conducted the communication activities. The themes of this period concern the Infant and Young Child Feeding Strategy, the promotion of early childhood, the development of IGAs ….
In September 2017 the program covered 110 beneficiary communes throughout the national territory, particularly in the regions of Koulikoro, Kayes, Sikasso, Segou, Mopti, Gao and Timbuktu as well as the District of Bamako. The new zones concern the Circles of Gao and Niafunké.
In 2017, the activities of the new funding (FA DFID and the Government) made it possible to undertake the components of the program from 03 to 05 and to extend the intervention zones to Yanfolila, Yelimane, Koulikoro and Banamba Circles. .
To measure the progress made, capitalize on the experiences acquired and plan the activities to be implemented in 2018.