It will reach a million households, each of which will benefit from 90,000 of our francs, from a single cash transfer When positive cases of COVID-19 were declared in our country, the President of the Republic at the time announced certain measures to mitigate the effects of this pandemic on the population.
It is in this context that the measure was taken to grant a reasonable amount to very poor families, identified by the services empowered to do so. After the disbursement of 5 billion CFA francs and the signing of two agreements by the coordinating structure, which is the “JIGISEMEJIRI” social safety nets, the program is supposed to know its operational phase this year, Thus, to inform national and international opinion of cash transfers of the amount planned for beneficiary households, those in charge of the structures involved in the implementation of said transfers were in front of the media.
It was during a lively press conference last week at the Hotel Salam in Bamako. Introducing the press conference, the “social safety nets” program manager at the Ministry of the Economy and Finance said that with the advent of Covid-19, the country’s highest authorities had taken a number measures to enable poor households to withstand the effects of the crisis. And among these, the government emergency cash transfer program was ranked as a priority.
Following him, the coordinator of the “JIGISEMEJIRI” social safety net program Mahmoud Ali Sako gave a brief presentation of the phases which contribute to its implementation. According to him, a first phase had registered 352,900 beneficiary households. This phase was the subject of a data update, allowing the registration of 647,100 new households. It is always clear from Mahmoud Ali Sako’s explanations that certain criteria prevailed in the retention of beneficiary households.
These are: very poor households with food difficulties; households infected with Covid-19 disease and households whose activities have been strongly affected by Covid-19. Then, the program coordination team set up a mechanism for registering and identifying beneficiaries. Mohamed Bassirou Traoré of social protection finds the initiative very beneficial. It deserves to be supported, because there is a political will that goes with it.
To do this, the social protection services remain available for the implementation of this program. Note that the government program of emergency cash transfers to households impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic is supposed to be implemented from this month of January and continue until December 2021. And the transfer to beneficiaries is will be done electronically via orange money, BMS and BNDA.
Diakalia M Dembele
Source: Journal Le 22 Septembre
The Jigisemejiri Social Safety Net Program plans to make cash transfer payments in all regions of Mali through additional funding 2 from the World Bank and the availability of resources from the Government Social Safety Net Project (PGFS).
So decided by the 15th session of the national steering committee. The administrators met yesterday for this purpose in a hotel in the square.
Concretely, this will involve supplementing the payments of the former beneficiary municipalities and extending the operation to new constituencies, in particular those of regions affected by the crisis. “As part of the development of the National Social Safety Net System, major activities are planned in 2021 for the development of the Unified Social Register (RSU) and the implementation of various evaluation studies. Following funding from the World Bank and the French Development Agency (AFD), several operations to collect and register potential beneficiaries will be carried out to extend RSU data to new localities ”, announced the Secretary General of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Soussourou Dembélé who chaired the opening work of the meeting.
This session allowed for this purpose to take stock of the achievements of September 30, 2020 and to examine the draft program of activities and the draft annual budget for 2021.
Achievements during the first three quarters of 2020 were estimated at CFAF 2.659 billion, out of an annual forecast estimated at CFAF 15.545 billion, said Soussourou Dembelé.
This corresponds, according to him, to an execution rate of 17.11%. Regarding the budget for 2021, it is estimated at FCFA 19.386 billion. This is equivalent to an increase of 24.71% compared to the 15.545 billion FCFA that were to be mobilized in 2020.
This budget incorporates, according to the secretary general, almost all of the activities of the AWPB 2020. With the aim, according to him, to supplement the payments of the former municipalities for 2020 and to extend the Jigisemejiri social safety net program to all regions from Mali.
Thus providing the opportunity for thousands of other poor and vulnerable households to ensure their food security. He thanked the various technical and financial partners (PTF), which support the Jigisemejiri social safety net program, in particular the World Bank for its consistency and the importance of its interventions in Mali.
Following him, the program coordinator recalled the major constraints (socio-economic crisis and Covid-19 disease) which, according to him, led to the suspension of activities and hindered the achievement of the expected results. “The balance sheet shows an execution rate of 17%, which is the worst rate recorded in recent years,” lamented Mahmoud Ali Sako while hoping that these obstacles will be overcome to achieve convincing results, in particular by money transfers.
Journal: L’Essor
The social safety nets program in Mali through Jigisemejiri held its 15th session of the national steering committee at the Sheraton hotel on Thursday, November 26, 2020. The meeting was an opportunity to take stock of the achievements of September 30, 2020, estimated at 2 billion 659 million on an annual forecast estimated at 15 billion, i.e. an execution rate of 17.11% against an achievement of 99.4% for the year 2019.
Established by decree of the Prime Minister (No. 2013-195 / PM-RM of February 27, 2013), the “Jigisemejiri” social safety net program is a response from the World Bank to the request of the Malian government. The main objective of the program is to fight against extreme poverty through the establishment of cash transfers with the target of poor households suffering from food insecurity. It is precisely in order to take stock of the effectiveness of its sovereign missions that the Jigisemejiri program organized its 15th session of the national steering committee. It served as an opportunity to take stock of achievements as of September 30, 2020 and to review the draft 2021 program of activities and annual budget.
According to the president of the session, Mr. Soussourou Dembélé, Secretary General of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, this achievement rate is the worst result posted by the program since its creation in 2013. This was justified by several constraints encountered by the program during the year 2020. These include, among other things, the difficulties encountered during payments in the new localities in the center and north of the country due to delays in the recruitment of payment agencies. Regarding the accompanying measures, the situation was even more difficult because of procedural constraints that delayed the recruitment of NGOs in charge of the supervision and implementation of this sub-component. On the side of public works with high labor intensity (HIMO), 400 community works have still not been completed. The case of Income Generating Activities (IGA) followed, after the success of the first generation, 22,000 new IGAs were expected in 2020. The recruitment constraints of NGOs added to the Covid-19 restriction measures , slowed down the implementation of this operation.
Overall, the achievements of the Program during the first three quarters of the year 2020 were evaluated at 2 billion 659 million F CFA, on annual forecasts estimated at 15 billion F CFA, i.e. an execution rate of 17, 11%. During this session, the 2021 Annual work and budget program will be reviewed. “The year 2021 is a pivotal year. As a result, the rapid start of field operations is essential to make up for the delays in 2020, “Soussourou recalled.
The Jigisemejiri program provides for additional funding 2 from the World Bank and the availability of resources from the Government Social Safety Net Project (PGFS), to make cash transfer payments in all regions of Mali. This will involve completing payments in the old municipalities on the one hand, and extending operations to the new municipalities, especially those in the center and north of the country. To do this, the Jigisemejiri Program provides for a budget of 19 billion 386 million F CFA in 2021 against 15 billion 545 million FCFA in 2020, an increase of 24.71%. A budget that includes almost all of the activities of the AWPB 2020. Somewhat ambitious, but the budget remains achievable if the constraints and restrictions noted in 2020 are lifted. To this, the implementation of the Government’s emergency cash transfer program has just been entrusted to the Jigisemejiri Social Safety Net Program, in order to relieve the poor and vulnerable populations, victims of the Covid-19. This presidential social assistance program aims to distribute benefits to more than one million beneficiaries in the 703 communes of Mali.
Aboubacar Cisse
Source: Les Echos
On Wednesday, October 28, 2020, was held in the conference room of the Hotel DIAMCIS in Banankoroni (Cercle de Kati), the capitalization workshop on the assessment of 2020 activities and the programming of 2021 activities under the presidency by Mr Mahmoud Ali SAKO Program Coordinator
The objective of this workshop is to take stock of the achievements of the year as at September 30, 2020, to select the activities to be implemented during 2021, to discuss with the main implementing partners on the main constraints and lessons learned in the implementation of the Program. More specifically, during the workshop it will be:
– Evaluate the execution status of the 2020 Annual Work and Budget Program (AWPB 2020) by Component and Sub-Component as of September 30, 2020,
– Identify the major constraints that have hampered the correct implementation of these activities;
– Identify the activities by sub-component to be included in the 2021 AWPB and assess their cost of implementation by source of funding;
– Identify strategies to improve the performance of the Program in 2021.
Mercredi 28 octobre 2020 | ||
09h00-09h15 | Session 4: Ouverture Atelier Capitalisation | |
Mots d’ouverture du Coordinateur | Coordinateur | |
Présentation agenda et mise en place bureau atelier | ||
Session 5: Bilan des activités 2020 | ||
9h15- 10h00 | – Ciblage (PGFS, FA2, PDAZAM) | STM |
– Paiement des TM par régions et par sources de financement | ||
10h00-10h30 | Pause-café | |
Session 5: Bilan des activités 2020 | ||
10h30-11h00 | – Collecte des données (PGFS, FA2, PDAZAM) | RSU |
– Bilan des activités RSU/Communication | ||
11h30-12h30 | – Mesures d’accompagnement, HIMO, AGR par sources de financement | RRPSA |
– Intervention avec les partenaires ((PAM, FAO, UNICEF, …) | ||
12h30-12h45 | -Cadres des résultats | SSE |
– Enquêtes et Etude Divers | ||
12h45-13h00 | – Mesures de sauvegarde environnementale et sociale | SSES |
13h00-13h15 | – Rapport d’audit | AI |
13h15-13h30 | – Grandes défis et contraintes de la Passation des marchés en 2020 | SPM |
13h30-13h45 | – Rapport d’Exécution financière au 30 septembre 2020 | RAF |
13h45-14h30 | Pause déjeuner | |
Session 6: Programmation 2021 | ||
14h30-15h00 | Programme TM 2021 (par source de financement) | STM |
– Lancement et formations | ||
– Ciblage, Collecte et Enregistrement | ||
– Transferts monétaires y compris coopération PAM, AFD | ||
15h00-15h30 | Programme TM 2021 (par source de financement) | RRPSA |
– MA, AGR, HIMO | ||
– Coopération avec PAM et UNICEF | ||
15h30-16h00 | Programme Etudes et Enquêtes 2021 | SSE |
16h00-16h15 | Pause-café | |
Session 6: Programmation 2021, suite | ||
15h45-16h00 | Programme RSU 2020 | RRSU |
16h00-16h15 | Programme communication | Webmaster |
16h15- 16h45 | Programme sauvegarde Envir et sociale | SSES |
16h45-17h00 | Programme Audit | AI |
Session 7: Cérémonie de clôture de l’atelier | ||
17h00-17h20 | Adoption rapport atelier/recommandations | Rapporteurs |
17h20-17h30 | Mots de remerciement du Coordinateur | Coordinateur |
17h30 | Fin de l’atelier |
From July 21 to 24, 2020, information and awareness workshops were held in the various large cities of the regions on the Governmental Emergency Cash Transfer Program and the training of trainers on the updating of RSU data with the RSU Covid-Lite application and implementation strategies for this program throughout the territory.
Chaired by the various governors in each region, the main objective of these workshops is to inform and sensitize all the actors involved in the implementation of these emergency cash transfers in the field and the training of trainers in the field. RSU data update process
Emanating from the will of the President of the Republic who in his speech to the Nation of April 10, 2020, announced several social measures and actions, including assistance to poor and vulnerable households, in order to mitigate the adverse economic impacts of this pandemic on these vulnerable layers. Among these measures, emergency cash transfers to poor and vulnerable households are planned.
This program consists of paying each household cash transfers (CM) in the form of monthly allowances in a single installment, to cover the basic needs of these poor and vulnerable households. The amount of the current monthly cash transfer for the Jigisemejiri Social Safety Net Program is 15,000 FCFA. Thus each household selected must receive in a single installment six months of monthly allowances, or 90,000 CFA francs.
The target is initially made up of the beneficiaries registered in the Unified Social Register (RSU), amounting to 352,900 beneficiary households on April 15, spread across all regions of the country, i.e. in 619 municipalities including 321 367 households in the eight regions (former administrative division) for 613 municipalities and secondly, by identifying additional households to reach the quantitative target of 1,000,000 households.
Thus, targeting will consist, first of updating the list of RSU households and secondly, of targeting new beneficiaries. The distribution of the 321,367 RSU households is as follows by region:
Regions | Number Households | Number of communes |
Kayes | 31 530 | 115 |
Koulikoro | 44 237 | 106 |
Sikasso | 93 928 | 126 |
Ségou | 49 801 | 108 |
Mopti | 66 069 | 84 |
Tombouctou | 15 392 | 45 |
Gao | 18 646 | 23 |
Kidal | 1 764 | 6 |
Total | 321 367 | 613 |
Source : Jigisemejiri
Friday May 29, 2020, was held in the office of the WFP (World Food Program), a light ceremony of signature of a protocol of collaboration between JIGISEMEJIRI and the WFP jointly chaired by Aliou DIONGUE (DCD-PAM) and Mahmoud Ali SACKO (JIGISEMEJIRI Coordinator)