• Bamako, Hamdallaye ACI 2000 Rue 329 Porte 120
  • +223 20 22 16 15 / +223 20 22 16 17
  • contact@jigisemejiri.org
  • Mahmoud Ali SAKO, Coordinator of the "Jigisemejiri" Program

    The Annual Work Program and Budget (PTBA 2022) was designed after a gloomy 2021, marked by the persistence of socio-political crises and the slowdown in economic activity due to the COVID 19 disease. The PTBA 2022 s inspired by the 2021 AWPB, most of the activities not carried out have been carried over. It also takes into account the closure of the 2022 Programme, requiring the absorption of the maximum funds from the remaining resources of the second additional financing (AF 2) of the World Bank. (more…)


Jigisemejiri in numbers

Situation of households by result indicators

  • Executed
  • Foreseen

Households receiving cash transfers as a source of financing

  • IDA Fund
  • Government Program (PGFS)
  • Additional Funding 1
  • Additional Funding 2